Friday, January 23, 2009

Szechwan Cold Noodles from Katy's Dumpling House - $7.00??

665 North Cass Avenue, Westmont, IL - (630) 323-9393

Katy's Dumpling House is a great little gem of a restaurant tucked away in the corner of a shopping center. Supposedly, they hand-make their noodles every morning and results are well worth the effort.

This was my first time eating here, and the noodles were a wee bit on the tough side, but my friend said that's not the usual case. In spite of this fault, the dish was still fantastic. It's harder for me to find spicy food in Delaware, so the chili oil on there really hit the spot. But even with the oil, this dish still lacks the greasiness that plagues most Chinese noodle dishes.

Anyway, I should note that Katy's Dumpling House closed on Wednesdays. In addition to that, they ONLY ACCEPT CASH so be prepared before you go.


Kinobe said...

You finally took a proper picture without any obvious flaws.

Cold noodles? So was it served cold? Never heard of Chinese noodles served cold.

Remember when I said certain vegetables for certain dishes? I think the cucumber strips here are outta place. But I don't like cucumber so my opinion is biased.

I didn't realize you were such a fan of noodles. I prefer noodles to rice too (as far as Asian staple goes)... The next time I have Hokkien Mee or Loh Meen I'll take a pic.

eekbot said...

what can i say? i was due for a good pic.

yes, cold noodles. i haven't seen too many cold chinese noodles myself. i usually attribute that to korean food. come to think of it, cucumber strips are often found in those korean dishes too.

and yes, i LOVE all carbs, esp. noodles and esp. rice noodles.