Saturday, January 17, 2009

Bolognese Pizza from Pizza Volante - $7?

82 Session Road, Baguio City, Philippines

On the second day of our Philippines trip, we were at Baguio, a small highland city with a population size of a large one. Kinda killed the fun of being at a highland (where the weather is a nice 68°F, an awesome relieve from the average South-East Asian temperature of 80-88°F), as this means over-crowded streets, and major major polution.

Anyways, Session Road is where the action is, and I noticed it was packed with pizza Pizza Bolognesejoints, among other things. Yellow Cab, Greenwich, Pizza Hut, Shakey’s & Pizza Volante on the same street, about 2 blocks long. Now if they’re that passionate about pizza, they should theoretically rock at making it, so we had to give it a go as part of the Filipino experience.

First pizza was an 8” Bolognese. I know, pretty boring flavour, not my choice. Without trying to sound daft, it tasted like spaghetti on bread and a lotta cheese. OK so it does sound a bit daft, but hey, I write ‘em as I taste ‘em.

Hmmmmm..... Next pizza is a 6” whutchamacallit. I forgot the name. It was beef something. Why I don’t remember is a combination of it being over a month ago and the pizza being very un-memorable. It was.. mehh.. it had a strong red wine taste to it and nothing else that stands out.

This was all the time I could afford for pizza in Philippines, but I just googled Pizza Volante and I see some people raving about how this San Miguel Strong Iceis one of the better places to get pizza in Philippines. Based on that, I’ll have to say I was wrong about them rocking at pizza making.

Oh here’s a San Miguel Strong Ice that went with my pizza. It was, as with all other San Miguel beers, good but made better with the price being only $1. This is standard  throughout the country, prices ranging from $0.60 to $1.50 for bottled beer. Why drink Coke when you can have a San Miguel!


eekbot said...

those pizzas look decent. the dough looks a bit too floury though. and the 2nd pizza looks like italian sausage.

but forget all that. there's a more pressing matter at hand here. beer for $1? are you JOKING me?!? how are you NOT blind right now?

Kinobe said...

I'm typing this with my Braille keyboard now.