Sunday, November 23, 2008

Meen Fun Kerr - $?

This is called "Meen Fun Kerr" in Hokkien. It's square pieces of noodles, vegetables, shrimp (not in the picture), calamari, fish balls and small slices of pork in a brothy chicken stock based soup. I don't know the history of this dish except that my grandma used to make this for me when I was a kid. My mom made it again for me recently and this is the result. Brings back memories. I like it. It's a simple dish. Maybe it's something my grandma made up along the way, I mean what can be simpler than rolling flour with eggs, throw in some vegetables and meat and whatever else into your chicken stock and then starching it up so it's thicker? But if anybody has a story about this dish, do tell.


eekbot said...

did you realize you spelled your dish two differents ways? meen fun kerr and mi fun kerr. make up your mind.

eekbot said...

is that calamari i see in the picture? i don't see any shrimp either. also, are you saying those noodles were hand-made by your mom too?

Kinobe said...

I corrected it already. I don't know how it's spelled I don't think there's actually an english spelling for it. I'm just typing it the way it sounds. and Min and Meen sound almost the same. So up yours.

Kinobe said...

Oh right yes there's calamari in there. I'll ammend the post. There's usually shrimp, I don't remember if it was in this bowl. I actually had it a while back. And yes my mom hand-made the noodle squares too.

Actually I recently had a dish that has similar shaped noodles, and it's a lot more well known. It's called Pan Mee. Same noodle type, either in long thick noodle strands or squares. I had the squares and was immediately reminded of this dish.

eekbot said...

pretty cool that your mom can make noodles. looks good.

Upp Dinero said...

Wow looks good. So this is pretty basic flavoring of chicken stock? Do malays usually add any sauces to broth to make it spicier/tastier? Like in vietnamese broths, you can squirt in hoisin sauce or chili sauce.
The square noodles remind me of square noodles that i have gotten with two common thai noodle dishes, pad see ewe and pad kee mao, though i am not sure whether these are rice noodles or egg/flour noodles.

Kinobe said...

To my knowledge, Malays don't do soup much. Well there's Sup Kambing (Mutton Soup), which is heavy on black pepper, and Sup Ayam (chicken soup), same deal, black pepper for the spicy-ish taste.

Yeah it's a pretty basic dish, with very basic flavours. I like it like that.

eekbot, what's so hard about making egg/flour noodles? try it yourself. Flour mountain, crack an egg in .. or just water. keep massaging it and soon you'll get your big ball of dough. Apply flour to smoothen the surface and start rolling it till it's flat and cut noodle strips out with a knife or squares.

eekbot said...

oooh... i had no idea it was that simple. i learned something today!