1095 East Ogden Avenue, Naperville, IL - 630.904.7200
Even though my description of this dessert won't sound appetizing, just know that I really do love this stuff. Anyway, whenever I sink my teeth into this delectable dessert, cardboard always comes to mind. I thought of cardboard when I tasted my dog's dry food too, but that was different. In the case of the baklava, the texture is what makes me think of carboard. It's heavily layered with the top part being thin and light, sort of like paper, and then bottom being thick and dense just like cardboard.
The flavor is really fantastic though. From what I can gather, underneath the top layers of thin, crispy dough is a layer of crushed nuts sweetened with honey or syrup. The second picture shows an overhead picture with the papery layer taken off to give you an idea.
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Don't like baklava exactly because of the cardboard thing. It's like flat uncooked pastry, and usually way too sweet. Not a fan.
YOU ATE DOG FOOD? I have always been curious how those treats taste like but I've never popped one in my mouth. I'd imagine they are not bad considering they taste more than my snacks.
there was this one dog food that smelled sooooo good - good enough for a girl i know to even try it too. haha. but when i tore a little piece off, it tasted like nothing. i always wondered how strong oliver's taste buds were after that since he went crazy when i'd give him some.
I meant cost... cost more than my snacks.
and I think dogs eat anything that has the slightest scent of food, and since they're sense of smell is amazing..... like if you wipe your mouth after a greasy burger, I think Digby might actually eat that, just in case it tastes good.
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