Saturday, May 30, 2009

Beef Royale Jamaican Patty from Royal Caribbean – $?

A very small booth in a small airport in a somewhat small town in Philippines (Clark Airport, Angeles City).


Royal Caribbean Diarrhoea PattiesI’m posting this in response to the post below this one. This is my only experience with Jamaican food. Judging from  where I got it, I’m guessing it ain’t too Jamaican. I can’t remember the price as it was months ago. But it wasn’t expensive… maybe around the vicinity of 1-2 dollars. Maybe.  Flavas

Just like any regular hot pocket, with the meat tasting like heavily processed (read: way too tender) road kill and the skin a little too hard from sitting in the heated erm.. window display for too long.

Oh, except this gave my friend and I Flaky, but not in a good way.the runs the next day. Luckily we only had 1 each. Tho I wouldn’t hold that against Jamaican food, cos I mean look where I bought it.

Since I don’t have much to say about this, but have 4 pictures to share…. I’ll just keep babbling on. The 2nd picture shows you the available flavours. Burnt roadkill. MMmmm...Not everything was available at that time. I went with the Beef Royale as it had the word Royale, and the scene about Cheese Royale from Pulp Fiction couldn’t stop playing in my head immediately after reading the menu.

And this twisting text thing is giving me a headache.


eekbot said...

firstable, it's a Royale with Cheese... duh

anyway, the flakiness of the crust looks really appetizing... don't really see what they consider Jamaican about it though

and it's good to know that if you ever get fat, you could go on an all Jamaican diet and shed the pounds right off! ... in the toilet.

Kinobe said...

For only a dollar per meal too.

Oh yeah. Royale with Cheese. shit. how'd i make that mistake. i blame you, really. you couldn't stop msging me on aim at that time.