Friday, May 29, 2009

Jerk Chicken from D&H Jamaican Cuisine - $7.99

748 East Chestnut Hill Road, Newark, DE - 302.896.8826

If you recall from my previous post here, all you need to remember is to ask for a lot of ox tail gravy.

This dish is good enough that my two coworkers and myself order it regularly whenever we come here. I'm not crazy about the cabbage, but who is? The plantains are okay, but easily forgettable - in fact, the last time we went there, I didn't realize the plantains were missing until it was pointed out to me. The focus of the dish is the quarter leg of chicken and all that gravy that covers the rice and that alone makes it worthwhile.


Kinobe said...

Is that chopped vegetables next to the plantains? And is the black thing on the rice the ox tail gravy? Cos it looks like jam to me from the thumbnail.

The last time I had anything remotely Jamaican was in the form of hot pockets, and my friend and I got diarrhoea after that.

I should post about it. In fact I will now.

eekbot said...

the chopped veggies are the cabbage that i refer to. the black sauce over the rice is indeed the ox tail gravy... very oily.