This is the Prosperity Burger, which is available once a year during the Chinese New Year season (that’s next February). It’s quite a big sized burger, and with the width it looks more like a sandwich. I got the Double Prosperity, which is just the Prosperity Burger with 2 beef patties.
It’s a classic McDonald’s sesame seeded bun, only longer, with a beef patty inside seasoned with dark black pepper sauce and onions. This is the double, so there’s 2 beef patties. They’re very generous with the sauce and when you open the pack you’ll find it has probably smothered the whole burger. Very messy but very entertaining to eat. At first bite, it tastes a bit off, the meat as usual tastes like a mixture of roadkill and clay, but surprisingly more tender than the regular “beef” patty you find with the Big Mac or any other beef burger from McD’s. But somehow as you keep eating, it’s hard to stop. The sauce is the real winner here, and I’m not a big fan of black pepper or peppers of any sort for that matter.
It makes this and overall pretty spicy burger, but not overwhelmingly so. The onions are nearly non existent, as I think they didn’t give me enough, at least not for a double.
It came with Twister Fries (or Curly Fries) which were shit. Didn’t help that I was having it about 30 mins after purchase so they turned out quite hard. Like flavoured cardboard. Regular fries are much better.
don't you know anything about eating? you have to eat the fries FIRST or else they suck and it's too hard to reheat them.
but i must say, those fries look yummy. the burger meat looks pretty gross, but i'd probably still order two double prosperity burgers so my luck will double for the powerball.
Good plan.
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